This page was created on June 14, 2015 and last updated on: August 27, 2024
Investigation 1: Systems
biosphere, ecosystems, energy transfer, food webs, decomposition
Investigation 2: Nutrient Systems
plant growth, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, digestion
Investigation 3: Transport Systems
basic needs, transpiration, vascular system in plants
circulatory system, respiratory system
Investigation 4: Sensory Systems
communicating through sound, visual displays, and smell
carbon cycle, ecosytems
Ecosystems Research Links
(a team-building, problem-solving activity)
Investigation 3 Circulatory System
Want your students to create their own
Vertebrate Animal (simulated) Facebook pages?
Find the project,
using Google Slides student directions and
a self-grading Google Form Rubric
Deepest apologies for the website display errors showing capital A's with caret marks above them.
Homestead Technologies, partnered with, is having trouble on their end. Working on ways around this and thank you for your patience!
Children's Literature?
As part of Science class instruction?
Children's Literature?
As part of Science class instruction?