Powerful Personification Poems
Written by Mrs. Dingman's 5th Grade
March 2007
Figurative language creates clear and compelling images. We chose an emotion to personify, giving human qualities to feelings we may have. We wrote with insight and creativity, demonstrating our understanding of the power of personification.
Ahhh, but we weren't done... We searched online for a graphic image to compliment the emotion chosen for our poem, making excellent use of the technology available to us in the classroom! Enjoy our poetry!
This project aligned with the following Pennsylvania Academic Standards:
1.1.5 Learning to Read Independently
1.4.5 Types of Writing
1.5.5 Quality of Writing
3.7.5 Technological Devices
The Confusion of Confusion
I saw confusion clearly
He was broken and stupid
He turned and smacked into the wall
I saw his broken leg and fractured eye
And heard him blab in reverse
And I felt panicky wondering why he was allowed out of his house
I saw frustration clearly
She was blue and weary
She turned and started to cry hysterically
I saw her pounding head and bubbling stomach
And heard her cry help me
And I felt frustration within me
I saw aggressiveness clearly
He was foolish and stupid
He turned and thought I was a human
I saw his drooping arm and kicking leg
And heard him yell my arm is really sweaty
And I felt really grossed out
Confusion Dream
I saw confusion clearly
He was scary and green
He turned and looked at me
I saw his moldy toenails and rotten teeth
And heard him confide something
And felt like I should have SHRIEKED
March 22, 2007
I saw hatred clearly
He was red and white
He turned and spied at me strangely and I stumbled
I saw his sparkly nose and red thumb
And heard him speak too much
And I felt that no matter if he was weird we should all play together
Confusing Work
I saw confusion clearly
She was blank and thoughtless
She turned and looked at other students furiously jotting down words
I saw her shaking hand and leaning head
And heard her ask for help but got turned down
And I felt that she should have paid attention during the lesson
The Angry Emotion
I saw anger clearly
He was mad and crazy
He turned and screamed at the teacher
I saw his colossal head and dinosauric brain
And heard him screech and yell and blow his top
And I felt that he was going to blow
Hatred of Thee
I saw hatred clearly
He was blazing and furious
He turned and started to charge
I saw his slicing front and red fist
And heard him murmur something under his breath
And I felt like a stone Gargoyle
This page was last updated: October 22, 2015