Reading Counts is a program designed to encourage self-paced, independent reading.
Although many of the quizzes available are for our school library books, the listing is NOT limited to our school library selection. Quizzes may be available for books from your teacher's classroom library, the public library, or your child's home library.
Click the "SEARCH" link below, to go directly to Book Expert Online Reading Counts! Search page, to see if a book you'd like to read has a Reading Counts quiz available. The quiz listing may be searched by book title, book author, genre, etc. and will be updated with new quizzes on a monthly basis. Happy Reading!
Once your child has completed reading a book he/she has selected, a multiple-choice quiz is taken on our classroom Chromebooks or computers. Time is provided EVERY day in classrooms to take quizzes.
* Points are earned based on your child's quiz score.
* Point goals are set by grade level each marking period.
A number of factors may influence your child's success on a Reading Counts quiz:
* Was the book level too challenging?
* Was there a long period of time between when your child completed reading the book and when the quiz was taken?
* Did your child read too quickly?
* Did your child try to take the Reading Counts quiz based on the movie version of the book?
* Did your child complete the reading of the book?
Children have been asked to use the "five-finger guide" to decide if a book is too challenging:
* Children should read the first 2 pages of the book selected. Each time your student comes to a word he/she doesn't understand or can't pronounce, a finger is held up.
* If at the end of the first two pages, 5 fingers are up, the book level is too challenging.
Reading Counts has over 70,283 quizzes available and continues to add about 200 new quizzes each month. Continue to check the Book Expert Online Search page for titles you'd like or consider contacting Houghton Mifflin Harcourt directly with a quiz title suggestion.
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This page was last updated: November 19, 2023
Book Adventure is very similar to our Reading Counts program. It is online and registration is free!
about the program.
Graphic Images Courtesy of bookadventure.com
and Pike County Public Library
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We don't have access to 6,829 Reading Counts quizzes anymore...
We have access to over 71,396 Reading Counts quizzes!! (as of July 28, 2022)
Thanks to the generosity and careful planning of our library staff, technology department, administrators, and school Board of Directors, we have access to over 71,396 Reading Counts quizzes!! And, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt adds approximately 200 new quizzes each month. Access to all new quizzes will be available for our students as well.
Want to Check the School Library?
Our school library card catalog is available online.
Click HERE to search the school library catalog!
OK... You've found books you'd like to read that have Book Adventure quizzes available for them. Visit the Pike County Library online to check for book availability in any of the library branches.
Click HERE to visit the library web site, type the author or title in the Search box at the top right of the screen and you can:
* see if any of the public library's 3 branches has any copies of the book you'd like to read
* see if the book you'd like to read is available/ or if it's checked out, when it's due back
* place a book on "Hold" and select a library branch location for pick-up
Check the "Calendar" section of the "What's Happening" link to find great activities sponsored by the library through the summer!
For example:
Tween Scene
06/30/2009 • 2-3pm
Imagine, Create, Participate! Write a graphic novel, try your hand at the artwork of famous children’s book illustrators, play theatre games, tye dye T-shirts, and other book-related activities. Plus, keep track of your summer reading at home and win prizes! For ages 9-11. Registration begins in person June 4 from 6-8pm, and by phone or in person June 5 until filled.
From the HMH web site: Important Notice for Reading Counts! Users
Starting December 31, 2022, HMH will no longer sell or make available new Reading Counts! licenses, except as contractually required. All current one-year Reading Counts! licenses purchased or renewed in 2022 will be honored through their expiration date. If your expiration date does not correspond with the June 30, 2023 end of support date, please contact your Renewals Specialist.
From the HMH web site: Important Notice for Reading Counts! Users
As of May 15, 2020, HMH is suspending development of new Reading Counts! content and the submission of quiz suggestions until back-to-school 2020. At that time, we will announce our publishing plans for the remainder of the year.
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
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using Google Slides
Student Bingo Boards
Digital Book Bingo
using Google Slides Student Bingo Boards

* I originally created Reading Book BINGO activities to have an additional, fresh approach using Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts.
* Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts gave me a simple way to confirm a book had been read and understood. Read a book… take a quiz… choose another book to read… was our mantra.
* I did NOT ask students to choose independent reading material books by Reading or Lexile level. In my opinion, Reading levels don’t need to define your students. Sharing an article I read about that HERE.
* I wanted my students to build confidence and stamina as independent readers AND develop a sense of what they enjoyed reading.
* I wanted my students to visit the Library with enthusiasm, selecting books by an author they've come to enjoy, a genre that has them hooked, excited about the next book in an author’s series, gain comfort and confidence exploring nonfiction, or exploring an author or genre that might be something my students wouldn’t ordinarily select.
* My Reading BINGO projects are designed to encourage students to embrace the understanding that adults do not choose a book to read because of the thickness of the book spine OR the number of Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts points a book might be worth OR the Reading Level assigned to it.
Teachers and families continue to find our way to creatively provide meaningful, digital, paperless learning experiences with the changes COVID-19 has brought to our interactions.
Grammar Literature Gr3-5
Adjective and Adverbs
Digital Book BINGO
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
Literature Anthology Authors & Topics
all Wonders Reading Counts or Accelerated Reader
Digital Book BINGO activities, Grades 2 through 6,
enriching and extending the learning about Literature Anthology authors and topics
may be used with Wonders 2014, 2017, 2020, and 2023 editions