Thanksgiving Sense Poems
November 2004
This page was last updated on: October 22, 2015
We continue in our roles as poets and illustrators, combining Science and Language Arts State Standard requirements in this writing assignment.
* described Thanksgiving associations using our five senses (PA State Standard 3.2.5)
* wrote poetry practicing the writing process (PA State Standard 1.5.5)
* used our classroom computers throughout the writing process (PA State Standard 3.7.5)
Enjoy our Thanksgiving associations!
Thanksgiving Is...
by Eric
Thanksgiving is tree-trunk brown
It tastes like juicy turkey
It smells like freshly made eggnog
Thanksgiving reminds me of hunters coming to the drive-around to hunt
And sounds like my nanny's car coming home
Thanksgiving feels like me catching a yellow and red polka-dotted Frisbee
Thanksgiving Is...
by Dylan C.
Thanksgiving is dark brown
It tastes like a delicious turkey
It smells like heaven
Thanksgiving reminds me of loud turkeys
And sounds like gobbling
Thanksgiving feels so warm
Thanksgiving Is...
by Jacqueline
Thanksgiving is orange
It tastes like mashed potatoes with gravy that look like a volcano with lava
It smells like pumpernickel bread in the oven
Thanksgiving reminds me of when family comes together to give thanks and celebrate
And sounds like everyone pulling in the driveway with hugs and kisses
Thanksgiving feels beautiful inside me
Thanksgiving Is...
by Cassandra
Thanksgiving is lightly colored brown
It tastes like sweet cranberry sauce
It smells like thin-sliced turkey
Thanksgiving reminds me of a whole table full of a bunch of food
And sounds like a bundle of people talking
Thanksgiving feels like you're being loved from every corner
Thanksgiving Is...
by John
Thanksgiving is violet red
It tastes like white turkey
It smells like mashed potatoes
Thanksgiving reminds me of football
And sounds like people having conversations
Thanksgiving feels generous
Thanksgiving Is...
by Nicholas
Thanksgiving is red
It tastes like stuffing, turkey, and cranberry
It smells like fall leaves
Thanksgiving reminds me of the big feast
And sounds like a turkey's wattle
Thanksgiving feels hopeful
Thanksgiving Is...
by Amy
Thanksgiving is bronze
It tastes like Aunt Cheryl's chocolate pudding pie
It smells like wine and Lala's cooking
Thanksgiving reminds me of how much I love my family
And sounds like all of my friendly relatives laughing and playing and talking
Thanksgiving feels like the only time my entire loving family is together
Thanksgiving Is...
by Marygrace
Thanksgiving is florescent orange
It tastes like roasting turkey
It smells like lots of food cooking in the oven
Thanksgiving reminds me of the colorful fall
And sounds like my family all talking at once as we sit down at the table
Thanksgiving feels like a wonderful, festive holiday
Thanksgiving Is...
by Star
Thanksgiving is orange
It tastes like gooey melted marshmallows
It smells like delicious simmering turkey
Thanksgiving reminds me of loving family members and friends
And sounds like the awesome InuYasha Thanksgiving special
Thanksgiving feels like affectionate warmth
Thanksgiving Is...
by Gabby
Thanksgiving is orange
It tastes like Spanish stuffing
It smells like delicious turkey cooking
Thanksgiving reminds me of all the good times my family and I have
And sounds like soft music playing in the living room all day
Thanksgiving feels good to have relatives and family there