Tick Tock... Tick Tock... 
Mrs. Dingman's Class Haiku 
November 2005
This page was last updated: October 22, 2015
Graphics courtesy of Pat's Web Graphics and Graphix Kingdom
The Future is Near!
by Nicholas

the not so distant
future we will fly high and
throw clocks out windows

Out of Time
by Mike M.

I am out of time
I have to finish this test
Before the bell rings

What's the Time
by Jessica

What time is it now
could it be 1, 2, or 3
we depend on time

The Moving Sun
by Drew

My log stands high up
Sun's shadow moves around it
That is my day watch

by Kimberly

If you have two clocks
in your room you can never
be late my mom says

by Nicolle

Time goes very fast
Oh, why can't you just slide by
It will never be

by Daniel

Time is everything
Being on time can be hard
Time is eternal

Our class recently entered a national poetry contest, sponsored by Cricket Magazine. We were challenged to think about time... time-keeping devices... time expressions... We chose Haiku to express our ideas, using the distinctive syllable pattern found in this poetry form from Japan. Enjoy our poetry!

This project aligns with the following Pennsylvania Academic Standards:
1.1.5 Learning to Read Independently
1.4.5 Types of Writing
1.5.5 Quality of Writing

It is my privilege to announce:
Drew has been awarded 
a First Place Award for his poem "The Moving Sun".
Drew has received a certificate of achievement, a hard-cover book, and publication of his poem in the February 2006 issue of Cricket Magazine.
Congratulations Drew!!