
Tutoring with Mrs. Dingman
This page was created April 2, 2023 and last updated: January 2, 2025
FIRST Multiplication Facts Goal:
Work toward correctly answering 32 or more multiplication facts out of 40 random multiplication fact problems in 4 minutes or less.

SECOND Multiplication Facts Goal:
Work toward correctly answering 32 or more multiplication facts out of 40 random multiplication fact problems in 2 minutes or less.
Multiplication Fact Practice
change the Timer to 4:00 for a 6-second response time
leave the Timer at 2:00 for a 3-second response time

When your score appears use the number of problems you answered right and use your data tracking sheet to:
* color the bars neatly, using crayon or color pencil
* write the date vertically in the space shown
Once the Multiplication Fact Practice Score
has been recorded:
* click to play one multiplication game each day
* play the game chosen for 5 minutes ONLY
(setting a timer is suggested!)
FIRST Addition Facts Goal:
Work toward correctly answering 32 or more addition facts
out of 40 random addition fact problems in 4 minutes or less.

SECOND Addition Facts Goal:
Work toward correctly answering 32 or more addition facts
out of 40 random addition fact problems in 2 minutes or less.
Addition Fact Practice
the Timer is set to 4:00 for a 6-second response time
change the Timer to 2:00 for a 3-second response time

When your score appears use the number of problems you answered right and use your data tracking sheet to:
* color the bars neatly, using crayon or color pencil
* write the date vertically in the space shown
Once the Addition Fact Practice Score
has been recorded:
* click to play one addition game each day
* play the game chosen for 5 minutes ONLY
(setting a timer is suggested!)
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